Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Second Day of Dino Camp!

Welcome Back!

As you can "SEE" was another exciting day of our Camp-a-Saurus Adventure!

Dino camp 1 found our friends in Dino camp 2 munching on yummy snacks. We all played together!
When we all went back to our rooms, we learned all about the T-Rex dinosaurs.

Did you know that the T-Rex foot was 3.3ft long? We decided to compare a T-Rex foot to our own feet to see how much bigger it was.

We discovered that ALL of our shoes put together can't fill up just 1 T-Rex foot!!!

Now that's a big foot!

Today camp 1 also used chocolate chip cookies to practice being real paleontologists.
We pretended that our cookies were dirt and the chocolate chip cookies were buried dinosaur bones.

We used a special "tool" to excavate the bones from the ground.

It was challenging...but we did it!

Camp 2 paper mached balloons.

When they dry...we will paint them to look like dinosaur eggs!

In camp 1, something amazing happened...
We found a little dinosaur egg!!!

We put it into water to wait for it to hatch. All day long, we kept getting out our magnifying glasses and checking to see if our baby dino was hatching yet!
We absolutely can't wait to see what's inside:)

Who knows...Maybe it will be a Stegosaurus like we all painted this afternoon?

Or...maybe it will be a Brontosaurus like Camp 2 made today?

I know that we are all looking forward to finding out in the morning if our baby has hatched yet.

Here is a video of our second day together...

See you tomorrow!


  1. Awesome blog! The kids are having so much fun!! Thanks for the great activities and fun days during the camp.

  2. Thank you! :)We are having a blast right along side them. Thank you for sharing your little paleontologist with us:)
