Friday, July 15, 2011

Welcome to Our Camp-a-Saurus Adventure

Course:   Camp-a-Saurus Adventure
Dates:     July 18th - 22nd
Time:      9:00-12:00 (half day)
                9:00-3:00 (full day)

We are so excited that you and your child have chosen to join us on our Camp-a-Saurus Adventure. To keep the number of young paleontologists in dinosaur camp small, we are splitting our camp into two groups.
Group 1
Camp Instructor: Teresa Nichols
Camp Counselor:  Jordan Palefsky
Room:  EX 702

Naviya Reddy
Joshua Self
Alexander Sharma
Victoria Zuniga
Carter Bakewell
Carolyn Cline
Isabel Dominguez
Dalton Fleeger
Prabath Girish
Garrett Hopping
Reagan Graeme
Gillis Evans
Vijay Naidu

Group 2
Camp Instructor: Gabby Moscetta
Camp Counselor: Leanne Donnell
Room: EC 803

Chandler Hahn
Sophia Impastato
Chloe Kim
Hasan Makhani
Aidan Mercurio
Kiana Payervand
Sophia Pfannstiel
Preston Ward
Preston Yoo
Grayson Groves
Grant Bomersbach
Maddox Canham
Guerin Chan

Gage Belknap

What to Bring: Comfortable shoes, sunscreen (apply before camp begins), water bottle, an extra set of clothes (in case of accidents), morning snack
·       If your child has any dinosaur books, or related toys/items, that he/she would like to bring to add to our learning fun, please feel free to send them.
·       Please label EVERYTHING with your child’s name so that it will not be confused as someone else’s.
Full day campers also need: Sack lunch (no peanuts), afternoon snack, blanket/something to cuddle for rest time
Below we are attaching our daily schedule so that you might have an idea of what an average day in the World of Dinosaurs is like. As teachers, we feel that it is very important to adjust each new summer camp to meet the needs and interests of the children attending. So…the times listed are very flexible and will change depending on wherever our imaginations take us!
9:00-9:30         Junior Paleontologists Arrive
                        Morning table activity
                        Dino exploration
9:30-10:00       Group Time
(Morning welcome, Find out what we have in store for today, Introduce the dinosaur of the day)
10:00-10:30      Morning Snack, Outside
10:30-11:00      Paleontologist Practice
11:00-11:30       Lesson/ Group Learning
11:30-12:00       Art Project
12:00                Half-day campers go home
12:15-12:45        Lunch
12:45-1:00         Dinosaur Story Time
1:00-1:30          Quiet Rest Time
1:30-2:00         Art/ Science
2:00-2:20         Afternoon Snack
2:20-2:45         Complete Today’s Projects/ Inside Playground
2:45-3:00         Group Activity/ End of Day Closure
3:00 p.m.           Children need to be picked up in their classroom and signed-out. Extended Day campers will be escorted to the appropriate Extended Day classroom.
Splash Day
Thursday morning will be our splash day. On Splash Day we like to:
Run through water sprinklers, Play at water tables, Blow bubbles, Slip and slide in shaving cream, Splash in baby pools
On Splash Day, your child will need to come to camp with his/her swim suit on under his/her clothes. Please send your child with the following items on Thursday’s splash day:
·        Towel
·        Swimsuit (under clothes)
·        Sunscreen (applied before camp)
·        Plastic baggie (for wet swimsuit)
·        Underwear/panties to put on after we take off our wet swimsuits.
 Our Camp-a-Saurus Blog:
·        Along with Summer on the Hill’s website and picture archives, this is where we will be adding pictures and videos that we take of our Camp-a-Saurus Adventure online. 
·         Our blog, and everything on it, will only be available to those with this direct link. We will be uploading pictures daily and document many of the fun things that we do so that you might share in this extraordinary experience with us.
·        There are links to fun dinosaur games and websites on the blog for you and your child to check out.
·        There will even be daily questions for you and your child to interactively answer from home to earn prizes.
*Remember to check our blog daily. It is a great tool to help your little one talk to you about all of the amazing dinosaur fun we have.

It is going to be an action-packed, fun-filled week that we know your child will look back on and smile. J
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday!
Gabby and Teresa

Group 1 Parents,
My name is Teresa Nichols (Ms. Tree) and I will be your child’s instructor this week as we discover what the world was like when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
 A Little About Me:
For the past ten years, I have been teaching children at Rowlett Elementary. I am a Kindergarten teacher and this year I was honored to be chosen as Teacher of the Year! I have been teaching summer camps at Greenhill for ten amazing summers. I have a four year old little girl, named Mylie, and we absolutely love reading about and exploring the incredible world of dinosaurs together.
Contact Information:
Text (Cell)- (214) 682-7590
Whenever we leave the classroom, I leave notes on our door about where we will be. If you come early, and we are out of the room, just text me. J
I am very passionate about creating a Camp-a-Saurus Adventure for your child that is super exciting, educational and unforgettable. Please feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns that you might have.
See you Monday!

Group 2 Parents,
My name is Gabby Moscetta and I will be your child’s instructor this week for our Camp-a-Saurus Adventure.
A Little About Me:
I’ve been working at Greenhill for 11 years. During the school year, I teach in the Child Development Center (CDC). I have a six year old little boy, named Alex, and he loves dinosaurs!
Contact Information:
Text (Cell)- (214) 989-8357
Feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns that you might have.
See you Monday!

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