Monday, July 18, 2011

Our First Day

Today's big adventure began with two things that we all love...dinosaurs and stamps!! My new, little paleontologists seemed to make friends with each other quickly as they dino stamped their papers (and a few hands;) with dinosaur stamps.

For our morning art project, we made ourselves as paleontologists! There was a lot of giggling when I told them that we would be putting real pictures of our heads on the paleontologist bodies that we made. :)

It was such a hot day outside today, we came inside a bit early to play our game in the classroom. We played a game called "Triceratops, Triceratops...T-REX!!!" Those paleontologist sure ran fast when the T-Rex was after them!

When we go fishing at Dinosaur Camp, we don't just catch fish. We catch DINOSAURS! When he caught the T-Rex, we all got to ROAR super loud.

The dinosaur of the day today was the brontosaurus dinosaur.
For our afternoon art project we painted brontosaurus heads...

Then we drew and painted their bodies to glue them on. Look at the nice tree that he painted for his dinosaur to eat some yummy leaves for lunch.

Here's a little movie of some of the things that we did on our fabulous first day...

We had such a ROARING good time learning all about dinosaurs on our very busy, first day together!
I can't wait to come back and see all of my new friends again tomorrow.

The Dinosaur of the Day tomorrow (Tuesday) will be the T-Rex!!!

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