Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our "Dino-mite" 3rd Day


After a long night's wait....our baby dinosaur is hatching!!!!!

Excited camp 1 Paleontologists made numerous scientific observations throughout the day and diligently watched over our little baby dinosaur as it began to break out of its shell. There has been much debate as to what kind of dinosaur our baby will be. 

With a sweet face like this...there is no doubt that we will love it no matter what kind of dinosaur it turns out to be!

Here's some of what we did today...

Camp 2 created their very own Land Before Time sticker scenes.

Here's a young paleontologist that found time to do a little extra dinosaur research:)

Camp 1 learned two new big kid vocabulary words today..."Herbivore" and "Carnivore".
We made a chart comparing and constrasting Herbivores vs. Carnivores. I was so proud of all the enthusiasm and participation throughout the entire lesson. What a smart group of children this is!

We also learned this week that T-Rex's had about 40 sharp, meat eating teeth that were on average the size of a banana! We counted the teeth in this T-Rex mouth and compared it to how many teeth we have in our mouths. We discovered that the T-Rex had a lot more teeth than we do.

Today, both camps exteneded that lesson with an art project. We used "MAGIC" clay and made T-Rex Teeth! 

We are going to let the tooth magically harden over night and then paint them. Once they are painted, we have made beautiful necklaces to wear them on! Here we are making our T-Rex necklaces...

In Paleontology Class today camp 2 practiced removing dinosaurs (chocolate chips) from the ground (a cookie). Each paleontologist worked and worked...

Snuck a few yummy bites along the way...

...And eventually all of their hard work paid off!
Group 1 also practiced looking for dinosaur bones in Paleontology Class today.
Inside this cool block of sediment are Triceratop bones! That's the dinosaur that we learned about today!

After much time and amazing team work, we uncovered a bit of our first Triceratops bone!!!!!!!

Group 1 learned about other prehistoric animals today.
One super smart child pointed out that this mammoth sure looks a lot like a hairy elephant!

We played a fun game called "Jump the Pit".
We jumped as far as we could so that we wouldn't fall in the "tar pit". The tar pit kept growing bigger and bigger.

Look how far he jumped!

Here is today's picture video...

After our awesome day...

I'm betting your little paleontologists will sleep well tonight!

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