Friday, July 22, 2011

Our Last Day Together

We knew our last day together was going to be special when we arrived and discovered that our baby dinosaur had finished hatching just in time for us all to meet her. She is a Spinosaurus from North Africa and she has a cute little sail on her back. Each little Paleontologist wanted to hold her and love on her when they met her.
What an action-packed last day this turned out to be!

First, we finished our T-Rex tooth necklaces.

After all of their hard work, the children were quite proud to wear them.

Then, we made dinosaur fossils by pressing our toy dinosaurs into play-doh and making imprints.
In group, we read a book and learned that no one really knows what happened to the dinosaurs. We talked about (and modeled) several different theories. There was a lot of giggling as we tried to make-up some of our own theories. One little paleontologist thinks that they might have found a great big space shuttle and flew to outer space. We decided they might live on Mars. Another guess was that they might all be here...they are just wearing silly disguises so that we do not recognize them. Who knows...maybe your neighbor is really a dinosaur?
Once the giggling stopped, I presented each child with a cup and a dinosaur frozen in a block of ice. We talked about how some scientists think that the Earth became too cold for the dinosaurs to live. As the paleontologist, it was up to each child to figure out how to get the frozen dinosaur in their cup out of the ice.

Boy did we get creative!

There was licking...
and banging.
Before long, the little paleontologists started working together to find a solution to this challenging problem.

Several were able to free their dinosaurs from the ice!

A few even remembered that heat melts ice and asked to take their dinosaur outside into the sun. We took some out and, while we waited, we put the rest in the sink. There was cheering when they realized how fast warm water melts ice.

After our Icy Problem was solved, we finished making our Paleontologists.
They turned out absolutely adorable!

Then, we found out that dinosaur bones had been discovered outside in the sandbox.
As official Paleontologists, we knew without a doubt that it was our duty to find them!

So...we went on a dinosaur bone hunt!

Once we had found all of the dinosaur bones, we took them inside and put them together.
Turns out, we had found the skeleton of a Diplodocus dinosaur!

Here is our day in pictures...

What a great last day together!
Thank you so much for sharing in this experience with us!
I will leave this blog up so that you might continue to use it as a memory scrapbook of our
Amazing Camp-a-Saurus Adventure!

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